Alna planning board
Solar project try continues
Mon, 12/13/2021 - 8:30am
A Route 218 solar project got Alna planning board’s OK Dec. 7 for a business license, and a Portland-based consultant got more to do toward another nod the project needs.
Biodiversity Research Institute, Inc. (BRI) is lead consultant, applying on Kennett Square, Pennsylvania-based Tangent Energy Solutions’ behalf. Tangent’s Alna Community Solar, LLC seeks a 2.9-megawatt, ground-mounted array that would deliver energy to the local electrical grid. The project would be on 15.4 of Charles Ussery’s 58.35 acres.
According to the proposal, the site’s draw was its accessible upland, nearness to the transmission grid, and landowners’ willingness. Steel piles driven or drilled into the ground would support the panels; a seven-foot tall agricultural fence small animals can get by would surround the array; locked gates are also planned.
The project would not bar snowmobile access elsewhere on the property, BRI said. Snowmobilers go there, board member Taylor McGraw said.
BRI plans to be back in January with more on where two Central Maine Power poles will go and other information the board will review. In the same meeting, the board expects Lincoln County Regional Planning Commission’s Emily Rabbe to present a draft of possible changes to accessory apartment rules. The board said it might have attendees save their comments for a public hearing. Any ordinance changes would take a town vote. A proposal would not be ready for next March’s annual town meeting, Chair Jim Amaral said.
Also Dec. 7, the board asked Arthur Jankovich Jr. to redraw his plans to rebuild his Pinkham Pond camp a fire destroyed. The board said a second floor bedroom he seeks cannot up the square footage or volume of the building that goes up on the old one’s footprint by more than 30%.
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