Shaw's Wiscasset gives pantry $2,500
On Friday, March 7, Shaw's Wiscasset kicked off its grand re-opening with a celebration that included company management, local first responders, crowds of well-wishers and a donation of $2,500 to St. Philip's Episcopal Church Help Yourself Shelf (HYS) pantry.
At 9 a.m. about 75 people gathered to see pantry volunteer Al Cohen accept the check from store director Michael Hill. Hill said he wanted to recognize "a wonderful organization that is truly making a difference in our community and has such a positive impact on so many lives."
"It was a great experience," Cohen said. "Shaw's had all their regional executives there today from throughout New England and I was able to thank them for everything they do and speak with them about expanding the items they regularly donate."
He explained that throughout the year the store provides free food to HYS and other area food pantries. "This will purchase a tremendous amount of food for our families," he added.
Coordinator Gretchen Burleigh-Johnson estimated the pantry has been helping families for about 40 years. "Communicants started a shelf at the back of the church and people who had something to share would put it there. Those who needed to would take something from it."
Over the years, that shelf grew into Help Yourself Shelf, open Thursday afternoons from 3:30 to 5:30 outside the church parish hall. In all, their team numbers around 30 volunteers. "We have a core group of about 10 volunteers helping to keep the pantry stocked with groceries donated by local supermarkets and also deliver food to those who aren't able to come to the church location," she said.
Burleigh-Johnson said most pantry participants come from Wiscasset, Edgecomb, Alna, Westport and Woolwich but the pantry's generosity extends to sharing items with other area pantries, for example, Boothbay's Community Fridge.
Volunteer efforts for the food pantry keep Cohen busy three to four mornings each week. He picks up food donations from Hannaford in Boothbay Harbor and from Shaw's in addition to trips to the Winslow food distribution center and Hannaford in Damariscotta as needed.
Asked how the cash donation came about, Cohen explained, "Mike approached me and said Shaw's wanted to give something back to the community and would love to be able to help you."After submitting the needed paperwork, Hill told Cohen to "mark the date on my calendar," and the presentation was set for re-opening day.
Burleigh-Johnson believes this is the first time Shaw's donated funds. But the supermarket has given the food pantry $25 gift cards for distribution to participants to purchase other needed items. In 2024, Shaw's gave the pantry more than $6,000 in gift cards. This year, gift cards total $4,000. The cards are funded by generous Shaw's customers who add their donation at the time of checkout.
Those wishing to donate food or other items to HYS can visit or the Facebook page to see what is accepted. Food items that have been prepared in a home kitchen cannot be accepted.
In addition to food, "Our food pantry would welcome donations of labor or money," Cohen said. The church is at 12 Hodge St. in Wiscasset. For more information, call the office at 882-7184 or e-mail