Terry H. Heller seeks re-election to Wiscasset selectboard
Wed, 05/17/2023 - 7:45am
Address: 2 Morton St.
Occupation: Writer, Editor, Professional Pianist
Education: B.M./M.M. in Music Theory & Composition; PhD, Education Research, U.T./Austin
Political History (Board, Committees, other): Currently serving on the Selectboard; Chair, Appearance of the Town Committee; SB Liaison, Waterfront Committee, Waterfront Working Group; former policy advisor to the Senate Education Committee (Texas Senate, 20 years).
Clubs/Organizations: Garden Club of Wiscasset, Lincoln County Historical Association, Wiscasset Yacht Club, Friends of Wiscasset, Wiscasset Schoonerfest, Wiscasset Female Charitable Society
Occupation: Writer, Editor, Professional Pianist
Education: B.M./M.M. in Music Theory & Composition; PhD, Education Research, U.T./Austin
Political History (Board, Committees, other): Currently serving on the Selectboard; Chair, Appearance of the Town Committee; SB Liaison, Waterfront Committee, Waterfront Working Group; former policy advisor to the Senate Education Committee (Texas Senate, 20 years).
Clubs/Organizations: Garden Club of Wiscasset, Lincoln County Historical Association, Wiscasset Yacht Club, Friends of Wiscasset, Wiscasset Schoonerfest, Wiscasset Female Charitable Society
Considering the office you are running for, what do you feel are the three most pressing issues (350 words or less): 1. It is unconscionable that the Town has not maintained its infrastructure for 30-40 years. This board has worked to fix some of the many maintenance issues at the Wastewater Treatment Plant that previous select boards kicked down the road. Notably, we have replaced equipment and not raised taxes one penny, and have kept within the 4.5% cap on revenues from our reserves. Anyone who says that our capital reserve fund is shrinking doesn’t understand fluctuation in the stock market – our investments are sound. During my service on the board, we have maintained fiscal discipline while taking care of our responsibilities. 2. A perennial top priority is economic development. For years everyone has said “we need a Town Planner!” On this board, we worked to get it on the June 13 Town Warrant – so vote for it! I also helped form a Waterfront Working Group to get more hands on developing ideas for commerce and growth in Wiscasset. For 20 years we have funded waterfront engineering studies – with nothing to show for it. The WWG is changing that. Also, during my terms on the board we approved a solar business out at the airport and a senior living facility with a pharmacy on Gardiner Road. This June, a passenger rail service line is being planned between Brunswick and Rockland. I’ve been in touch with the owner of the railway who has contacted the Town Office to get Wiscasset on board. Economic development is moving forward on my watch. 3. People always bring up how much better off we were when Maine Yankee was online 20 years ago. What’s worse, we have not received one dollar from the federal government for storing 60 canisters of radioactive fuel rods. We need to vigorously lobby Maine's Congressional delegation for compensation. And more action is possible: small modular nuclear power plants are being built around the world that might work well here – local Maine energy experts are looking at it. Wiscasset already has the infrastructure, and federal development money has been available since 2019. I want to investigate a small modular nuclear plant for Wiscasset.
Any other thoughts on why you are running or what you can bring to the office? (150 words or less): We all live in Wiscasset not merely for its beauty and history, art and culture, but also for its deep sense of community. Whether we gather at our schools for concerts or sports events, or for Nightmare on Federal Street at Halloween, or the Fourth of July parade and shortcake at the pier, or out at the speedway on summer Saturday nights – this is small-town community living at its best. One of the things that make this work for all of us is good leadership at Town Hall. This community needs leaders who stay in touch and get out and about in the community, who work hard on hard issues and have the resilience and care that it takes to keep people together and on track. I believe I’m one of those kinds of leaders, and I’m running for re-election. It’s been my privilege to serve you the past two years. Let’s keep going.
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