Thanksgiving pie sale Nov. 25
The Alpha Iota and Preceptor Omega chapters of Beta Sigma Phi are again sponsoring the Thanksgiving pie sale this year at Ames True Value, Route 1, Wiscasset.
This year's sale is on Tuesday, Nov. 25 from 9 a.m. to noon. There will be pies of assorted kinds and sizes, most of which will sell for $12 each. All proceeds will go towards the organizations’ charitable work.
If you would like to pre-order your pies, call Marjorie DiVece at 207-882-6338 by Saturday, Nov. 22.
Also available for purchase will be raffle tickets for a homemade quilt made by the Beta Rho chapter. Tickets are $1 each or a book for $5. All proceeds from the raffle will go to the American Cancer Society in honor of a lost Sister, Eileen Jones, to cancer.
Take a break from making pies this year and purchase local homemade pies and support the sorority's good work.
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