Tour Boothbay by kayak or canoe August 20
Join the Pemaquid Paddlers as they tour the Boothbay Harbor Area on August 20. We’ll paddle onto the Sheepscot River and around the Isle of Springs.
All trips will leave the put-in point at 9 a.m. and will last 2-3 hours. The trips are easy to moderate in difficulty. Participants must provide their own canoe or kayak and wear a life jacket.
All trips are free and open to the public and will be held rain or shine. For more information, contact John Will at 207-677-6380 or email at You can also visit our website at to find out more details about each trip.
On Tuesday, Aug. 20, we will put-in at the Knickercane put-in site. Take Route 27 south from Route 1 toward Boothbay for 9.6 miles to the monument in Boothbay, turn right. Go to the 4-way stop and go straight, where the road comes to a "Y" go to the right. You can also follow the signs to the Botanical Gardens and just continue past it until you come to a bridge. Just after crossing the bridge the parking lot is on your left. We will paddle the Back River.
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