Tucker Chevrolet proposal advancing
Hopefully mid to late January, Maine Department of Environmental Protection will approve Tucker Chevrolet’s proposed dealership and service center on Bath Road, a project representative told Wiscasset’s planning board Dec. 23. The board went on to OK having Chair Karl Olson sign its approval of the plan after the applicant has met the board's remaining asks, including setting boundary pins.
The board and Priority Real Estate Group have been meeting since October.
The 771 Bath Road site, opposite Norm’s Used Cars and Charm Thai restaurant, will have the about 20,000 square-foot project and will no longer have a house that sits on the 12-acre parcel, according to documents the board has reviewed and the discussions. On a question from board member Allen Cohen about handicap parking spaces, Priority's Curt Neufield said, "We might be able to leave the three (near the front) but add some out back, in case we would have some employees with the needs."
"Or a customer bringing a vehicle in for service, with the second vehicle getting picked up," Cohen said.
"Sure. So, that would make sense," Neufield added.
A public hearing earlier Dec. 23 drew no public comment.
"Thanks, folks. We look forward to bringing our business to town," Neufield said post-vote.
"Well, we welcome you to town. Hopefully all your construction workers will go across the street and buy lunch and dinner," Olson said.