Veterans Lunch at Camp Kieve
Spectrum Generations Coastal Community Center in Damariscotta will host its annual “Veterans’ Luncheon” combined with its regular Wednesday Lunch and Learn program November 14 at 11:15 a.m. at the Kennedy Learning Center, Camp Kieve in Nobleboro.
Following the luncheon, Peter Ogden, Director of the Maine Bureau of Veterans’ Services, will discuss the bureau’s intent to ensure that Maine veterans and their dependents receive all entitlements due under the law, are relieved to the extent possible of financial hardship, receive every opportunity for self-improvement through higher education and are afforded proper recognition for their service and sacrifice to the Nation.
During his presentation Ogden will touch on four extremely important issues for Maine’s veterans; access to healthcare, women veterans, outreach to veterans on their benefits, as well as the state government's role in providing services to veterans.
Maine Veterans' Services was established in 1947. The Bureau's main office is located at Camp Keyes in Augusta. The Bureau comes under the Department of Defense, Veterans and Emergency Management. In addition to the main office, the Bureau has six field service offices strategically located throughout the state and a claims office located at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in Togus.
The Maine Veterans' Memorial Cemetery system is also a part of the Bureau and consists of two cemeteries located in Augusta, one in Caribou and is undergoing the planning stages for development of one in Springvale.
Ogden served both the active Army and Maine Army National Guard over a span of 28 years. He retired as a lieutenant colonel from the Army Corps of Engineers. Ogden served two combat tours in Vietnam and was appointed as the director of the Maine Bureau of Veterans' Services in 2004, when he also began his service on the MVH Board of Trustees. Ogden is affiliated with the Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion and Vietnam Veterans of America.
Advanced luncheon reservations are required. Call 563-1363 by noon Tuesday, Nov. 13 to make your luncheon reservation. Veterans who wear a symbol of their service (hat, uniform, pin, insignia) are free. All others are $6 per person.
Can’t make it to lunch? Community members are always welcome to attend the Center’s Wednesday learn portion of the day’s Lunch and Learn program, which will begin at approximately noon.
Remember to bring a photograph, news article or other bit of memorabilia about the time you served to share with others before and after the luncheon presentation. Help us create a pictorial story about the veterans who Spectrum Generations and the Kennedy Learning Center will be honoring with a free lunch on November 14.
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