Voting yes to modify Alna’s board
Dear Editor:
Alna’s petition to equalize the select board member’s responsibilities and stagger three-year terms is a good idea that many other small towns have adopted.
A citizen’s petition before Alna’s voters proposes that Alna change its select board structure so that its three elected members:
• Serve staggered terms of three years each;
• Choose their own chairperson annually;
• Share equal responsibilities for town business;
• Receive equal stipends for their work.
These modest changes can help ensure smooth transitions for new select board members, spread responsibilities evenly and encourage more residents to serve any of the three positions ... all problems we’ve experienced recently.
A comparison to nearby towns shows that the vast majority have staggered select board terms of three years and more equal members, and that Alna is out of the mainstream. For example, 25 towns in the immediate area have staggered three year terms. Only two – Alna and Wiscasset – do not.
There is comfort with the fact that the majority of nearby towns have done what this petition proposes. I hope we can learn from the decades of collective wisdom and experience of these neighboring towns.
The notion that Alna needs a commission led by a majority of past Selectmen to study any changes to our select board for two years is simply a strategy to postpone any decision. There will be a public hearing where residents can learn about the proposed changes and how other towns compare, ask questions, and engage in discussion.
Alna citizens are intelligent and resourceful, and they can do their own research and determine for themselves what is best. Putting this question directly to the people and letting them decide is the best way to go.
I have experienced our current select board model for many years and I have researched what other towns do. The data speaks for itself. The vast majority of neighboring towns already govern with the modest changes Alna’s petition is proposing. I will be voting yes to modify Alna’s Select Board to staggered three-year terms and equal responsibilities.
Jeff Philbrick