We have school options
Dear Editor:
I was happy to read Rob Cronk's recent letter concerning school options, and I'm writing to encourage our community to organize and explore an application to the state's Integrated, Consolidated Educational Facility pilot program.
To me, the most exciting thing about this school is that it will "create a new regional high school integrated with a career and technical school, the University of Maine System, the Maine Community College System and that supports industry training programs."
Can you imagine a high school/community college/UMaine system integrated school right here on our peninsula?
The major hurdles to this project are:
1. Applications require two or more high schools to consolidate.
2. Applications are due by June 30, 2025
3. Chances are, we won't win it.
The fact that BRHS has already submitted an application to the state's Major Capital School Construction Program does not make us ineligible to apply -- in fact, it only makes our application easier, because much of the supporting documentation is the same.
An application doesn't commit us to building the project. The exact amount of funding the state will contribute isn't totally clear, but it is substantial. An application will encourage dialogue between Boothbay and Wiscasset schools and help us move closer to a feasible solution. I just can't see the down side to just trying for the chance to win this incredible project.
Desiree Scorcia