Westport Island encourages absentee voting
For everyone’s safety, Town Clerk Julie Casson said the town would like to encourage absentee voting for Westport Island registered voters for the State of Maine Primary Election, RSU 12 budget referendum, and our municipal election set to take place June 9,. Applications for absentee ballots are available by the following means:
- By Mail - Print the form attached in the link and Mail to Town Clerk, 6 Fowles Point Rd, Westport Island, ME 04578; Drop off in our drop box by our front door; or fax to 882-8347https://www.maine.gov/online/AbsenteeBallot/ABS-2020-06-09.pdf
- By Phone - Please understand that while we are working remotely, Julie will need to speak with you to complete the application in full. Phone requests can only be made by the registered voter. Please leave a message at 882-8477, x3 with your name and phone number for Julie to call you back.
- Email – Absentee Ballots can NOT be requested by email, however, you can contact Julie to have your questions answered about absentee voting or how to register to vote at townclerk@westportisland.us
Reminder! You must be enrolled in a party to vote in a primary election. You will receive a ballot only for the party in which you are enrolled: Democrat, Green Party, or Republican. There will be no State referendum ballot in June.
The polls will be open June 9 from 8 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. for those who do not wish to vote absentee. Again, we do encourage absentee ballots for your safety and the safety of others.
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