Westport Island update
Hello Islanders. Hope you are enjoying this glorious fall weather! Lots of changes on the tech front as we try to bring Westport Island into the 21st century.
Website: Well, I promised the new website would be ready by the next newsletter, but I did not promise that the newsletter would be on time :). At any rate, here you go at https://www.westportisland.gov
The switch is necessary as our current web administrator has moved on. This website was designed and will be maintained by yours truly. Please (gently) let me know what you think! It's a work in progress. And, as perhaps you can tell, I am in need of awesome Westport Island landscape pictures to grace the tops of the pages. Send me what you got!
Electric Sign Plans: Back at the 2022 Town Meeting, the Selectboard was authorized to spend our remaining American Rescue Plan Act grant funds on "one or more infrastructure improvement project(s) previously approved by residents and listed in the 2019 Comprehensive Plan and/or the Westport Island section of the 2021 Lincoln County Hazard Mitigation Plan, said project(s) to be selected by the select board in their discretion, e.g., electronic sign at the head of the island, firefighting water cistern, vegetation management on roadways, etc." The deadline to spend those funds is the end of this year, so we are working double time to get it done! We have a cistern, the vegetation is being managed, so that leaves an electric sign. Town Clerk emeritus Gaye Wagner began working on this in 2022, and the pieces are finally coming together! Don't expect flashing lights and sweet graphics — we are going to keep it simple with a wooden frame and messages in low key colors. It will be nice for announcing many more town meetings and functions than we are currently able to, and displaying useful info like the time/temp/next high tide, but it will be key in emergencies when we need to let folks coming onto the island know there's a tree down on Main Road or a road flooded, or that the power is out (yet again). It can be updated online from anywhere, so no unfortunate town employees have to trek up there (ahem...) to change the sign. Westport Island has an especially ideal sign location with our single entry point, making it a great addition to other forms of communication such as the website, email, and texting (coming soon!).
RFPs: The town is currently seeking bids/proposals for three things:
Repairs to the front of the historic Town Hall including removing, replacing, and painting the wood clapboards
Construction and installation of an ADA compliant entryway structure for the Town Hall including a ramp, platform, and stairs
Jan. 1, 2025 - June 30, 2025 Assessors Agent contract (with opportunity for contract renewal). This is to replace our current Assessors Agent, Evan Goodkowsky, who is running for County Commissioner unopposed. In the highly likely chance that he wins, he will be unable to serve as an Assessors Agent at the same time.
Absentee ballot applications available for Nov. 5 General Election: Here we go again! I never realized how frequent elections are before taking this job. You may now submit an absentee ballot application to have an absentee ballot provided to you in the manner of your choice when they become available in early October. See theAbsentee Voting Noticefor details.
Property taxes due Oct. 15, 2024. Tax bills have gone out, and you all should have them by now! If you have any questions, give Tax Collector and Treasurer Ashley Murray a call, she'd be happy to walk you through it.
Town Committee Vacancies: Looking for a way to get more involved and serve your community? There are several town committees with vacancies! See the list below, and submit aTown Committee Membership Application if you are interested!
Board of Appeals: Alternate #1 and Alternate #2
Harbor Committee: Alternate #2
Planning Board: Alternate #1 and Alternate #2
Town Property Maintenance Committee! The town owns several properties that all need monitoring and upkeep. Do you have a knack for building maintenance, property maintenance, or landscaping? If so, we'd love to hear from you!
Westport Community Association Daffodils Project: The WCA has a delightful project to share! They have purchased 1,000 daffodil bulbs to distribute to residents living on Main Rd. to plant on their property and bring cheer to all of us next spring and in the springs to come. All that's required is a sunny spot at least four feet back from the road that can be seen by passers-by. To be delivered a free bag of bulbs and planting instructions, reach out to WCA Chair Meg Skidmore at megnet@aol.com by Oct. 12. Non-Main Road residents can also put in their requests, which will be filled after Main Road requests.
Alzheimer's Support Group: Caregivers of loved ones with Alzheimer's are invited to join registered nurse Carol Norris on the second Friday of every month from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. via Zoom for support and advice. Email Carol at carolnorris2953@gmail.com, or call at 207-350-2721 for the Zoom link.
Heating Assistance Available: Midcoast Maine Community Action is now accepting applications for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) for the 2024-2025 heating season. If you might need help heating your home this winter, give them a call at 207-442-7963, or visit midcoastmainecommunityaction.org.
Bridge work this fall: The DOT will be re-paving the Westport bridge over the fall. You can check out the plan here. Once again, our patience and neighborliness will be tested as we wait for the light to turn green (even if no one is coming the other way! :)
Please see the Town of Westport Island webpage for more information and follow us on Facebook.
You can find us at the Town Office at 6 Fowles Point Road during our office hours of Tuesdays 10 - 6; Wednesdays 10 - 2; and Thursdays 10 - 2. Call us at 882-8477 or email us anytime!