What’s in a weekend?
“Do you guys know what fries are?” Sheepscot Valley Conservation Association programs manager Lynne Flaccus asked the group of youngsters gathered around her on the wet grass.
“Not french fries,” Flaccus said. No, she was talking about salmon.
“Oh, I love salmon,” one girl said.
Salmon are called fry when they hatch; at the age of 2 or 3, they're ready to leave the river for the ocean as smolts, Flaccus said.
The area 6-10-year-olds were taking part in the “fry run” during the Sheepscot Valley Family Festival September 8, at the conservation association in Newcastle.
The mixed bag of elements Mother Nature handed out Sunday proved no match for participants' enthusiasm; Alna firefighers cooked, families cheered races, and Girl Scouts painted faces.
The festival and another family event at the Rod and Gun Club in Wiscasset, assorted area fundraisers and a solitary morning of fishing went on undeterred. The weekend was the first since schools reopened and the summer tourist season largely ended.
Susan Johns can be reached at 207-844-4633 or susanjohns@wiscassetnewspaper.com
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