William Maloney seeks to join Wiscasset selectboard
Address: 211 Federal St., Wiscasset, ME 04578
Occupation: retired National Sales Manager (Director) Sales & Marketing for International Company
Education: Attended New England School of Accounting.
Political History (Board, Committees, other): Wiscasset: Chair, Town Budget Committee, Chair, Chair Republican Town Committee, Downtown Committee on Route 1 project, former Chair of Senior Center. Other service in previous location: Chair, Plan Commission, Chair, Human Rights Commission, President, Police Pension Board.
Clubs/Organizations: Treasurer, Wiscasset Rod & Gun Club, Member of Church Finance Committee, Chair, Wiscasset Republican Committee, Financial Secretary, Knights of Columbus.
Considering the office you are running for, what do you feel are the three most pressing issues (350 words or less): Three most pressing issues for Select Board of Wiscasset: 1) We need a broader tax base to cover the expenses of maintaining the costs of our current government. The town relied on funds received when Maine Yankee covered most of our expenses. We must do this while maintaining the character of Wiscasset. 2) We must decide between what we want and what we need when appropriating funds to be paid by taxpayers. We may want it, but can we afford it? 3) I am running for office because I care deeply about Wiscasset and preserving its character, keeping our buildings, infrastructure, and services up-to-date, and keeping it affordable for all our residents.