Wiscasset church seeks more toys, food for giveaway
Church of the Nazarene Pastor Wally Staples said donations are down for the Wiscasset church’s annual Christmas toy and food drive, and that the church can use all the help it can get in meeting area families’ needs.
Two Bridges Regional Jail’s industries program made toys to donate; some other items have been collected in the community; and church funds have been used to meet some requests including a bicycle for a boy with special needs, Staples said. One hundred requests for toys remained to be filled for boys and 99 for girls, he said.
Staples said the need appears to be up from last year, and he said donations are down. “I think it’s the economy. It’s been a pretty strange year.” But he hoped getting the word out would help. “If people know there is a need, I think they will do it,” Staples said.
He said the church at 255 Gardiner Road will fill the requests, but would appreciate any help in the final days. Toys and food will continue to be distributed until Christmas, Staples said. He had anticipated a large offering on Sunday, Dec. 18, when the services were going to include a musical group putting on a Christmas program. But he said icy road conditions prevented the group from coming, and also led him to do something he has never done before: cancel Sunday services.
This year’s challenges follow a different one last year, when two bags of toys went missing a week before Christmas. But Staples is undeterred from the annual tradition and said it will continue. He worries every year if there will be enough toys and food, which the church also gives to families in need at Christmas. And every year, there are enough of both, so the thought of stopping the program doesn’t cross his mind, he said.
Staples asked that anyone wanting to donate money, toys, or food to the drive call him at (207) 504-2488.
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