Wiscasset selectboard candidate William “Bill” Maloney
Mon, 05/20/2024 - 8:45am
Occupation: Retired National Sales Manager International flexible packaging company.
Education: N.E. School of Accounting, Attended
Political History (Board, Committees, other):Prior to Wiscasset, Wheeling, Illinois, Chair, Plan Commission; President, Police Pension Fund; Chair, Human Rights Commission. Wiscasset (Past), Chair, Downtown Committee, Chair, Budget Committee. Wiscasset (Current), Vice-Chair, Board of Selectman.
Clubs/Organizations: Treasurer, Wiscasset Rod & Gun Club; Financial Secretary, Knights of Columbus, Newcastle. Chair, Wiscasset Republican Town Committee
Considering the office you are running for, what do you feel are the three most pressing issues (350 words or less): Relocation of the wastewater sewerage plant will be a $35MM to $55MM cost for Wiscasset. We cannot do this without the assistance of both Federal and State grant funding. This funding is not currently available. At the same time, these same agencies are pushing us to move ahead. We are seeking land where we can place the new plant. However, we keep running into regulations as to why we cannot use each location. We toured a newer plant in Oxford which is in the downtown area of town. Without signage in front of the building, you would think it was an office building. The plant does not use chemicals and emits water suitable for drinking. All this without any foul odors.
I am working with the Economic Development Director to bring in business and housing. The objective is to increase the property tax base while preserving Wiscasset’s way of life, something that often is overlooked in town.
My main concern has been Economic Development for Wiscasset. I have been seeking this for five years. Last year the selectboard unanimously agreed to establish this position.
We have more amenities than most towns of our size. Paying for these amenities is more difficult each year while we attempt to hold down the property tax rate. When asked, the majority of residents prefer to keep these departments.
The answer is to bring in more businesses and housing to increase the tax base which in turn will lower the amount paid by each property owner. Like most Maine towns,we have a housing shortage. Most people seeking their starter home cannot afford the down payment nor the monthly payments. We need middle income rental property for these people. In turn Wiscasset will receive increased property taxes to broaden the tax base.
Any other thoughts on why you are running or what you can bring to the office? 150 words or less: (none submitted)
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