Wiscasset Senior Center

Mon, 07/31/2023 - 1:15pm

The next Public Supper will be Wednesday, Aug. 16. Menu will be gazpacho, garlic bread, salad, barbecue chicken, corn, potato salad, and chocolate cream pie.  Cost is $10 for members, $12 for non-members. Additional meals may be bought for take out at the same cost when reserved. Please call (207) 882-8230 for reservations and more information. Reservations are encouraged, to ensure adequate meals for all.

Cribbage results for Tuesday, July 25 at 9:30 a.m. with 24 players were first place, John Downs, 824; second, Catherine Rolerson, 823; third, a tie, Phyllis Lee  and Joan Grondin, 818; high hand (24) Ken Colby; and low score, Arlene Steen, 639.

Results for Thursday, Aug. 27 at 6 p.m. with 20 players were Duane Rolerson, 847; second, Joan Grondin, 831; third, Janet Lockhart, 821; high hand (24) Phil Hindahl; and low score, Nancy Wright, 684.