Wiscasset: Timeless charm, new spirit
A new volunteer group called the Friends of Wiscasset Village wants to get the word out that Wiscasset is more than just a pretty village, and they want to welcome you.
According to FOWV spokesperson Mary Ellen Barnes, the group’s mission is to “communicate Wiscasset Village’s positive energy to strengthen the local economy and community, celebrate our unique treasures and welcome new neighbors and businesses.” Their logo is designed to reflect this new spirit. The Friends want everyone to know Wiscasset is open for business – especially during the ongoing construction. Committee members come from all across the community, bringing a diversity of viewpoints and perspectives to the goal of creating positive messages for a town trying to recover from conflicts over the MDOT project.
There is more cooperation than dissonance these days. Wiscasset Area Chamber of Commerce has been working hard to get the message out with recent events like “Nightmare on Federal Street” with Wiscasset Parks and Recreation on Halloween and Early Bird Shopping on Nov. 10. Another volunteer committee for the upcoming Wiscasset Holiday Marketfest on Dec. 6-9, led by Lucia Droby, is working with local businesses, Wiscasset Public Library, Wiscasset Middle High School, First Congregational Church, Historic New England and others to present fun and interesting holiday events, sales and activities for new and longtime residents, visitors, tourists and local families. Downtown shops, galleries and restaurants will be open during Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens’ Gardens Aglow, which started Nov. 15.
The Friends of Wiscasset Village are developing a four-season calendar of events, building on and tying together successes like the summer Art Walks and Holiday Marketfest.
A new map highlighting parking areas, points of interest and activities will be distributed throughout the Village during Marketfest. Signage is being developed to help visitors see that despite the construction, they can still get to their favorite shops for holiday shopping. The FOWV are also working with MDOT to determine where and how best to place signage to help people find the new parking areas. FMI on the FOWV, visit https://www.facebook.com/wiscassetvillage or contact Wiscasset Area Chamber of Commerce at info@swiscassetchamber.com
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