WMHS goes remote for three days due to COVID-19 cases
I am writing to you today (Oct. 4) to inform you that we have received notification that two students and a staff member at WMHS (Wiscasset Middle High School) have tested positive for COVID-19. There are several students who would be considered close contacts so we have made the decision to move to remote learning for the next three school days (Tuesday, Oct. 5, Wednesday, Oct. 6, and Thursday, Oct. 7) for only the WMHS.
We will return to in-person learning on Tuesday, Oct. 12 unless there are any significant changes.We will continue to keep you posted on positive cases. At this time, there are no positive cases at the Wiscasset Elementary School (WES) so we will have in-person instruction and will continue with their regular schedule. There is no school on Friday due to a teacher workshop and no school on Monday due to the holiday, Indigenous People’s Day.
All WMHS staff will report to WMHS and teach remotely. All students are expected to log into their classes, keep their videos on and participate in the class. This will help ensure that these remote days will be counted as school days. Students who attend Bath CTE (vocational) classes will be expected to continue going to classes unless they have been notified otherwise. Please contact the bus garage at 882-7612 if your child will need to be picked up from home to attend CTE and returned to home after CTE.
All families wanting to pick up breakfast and lunch meals for their child/dren at WMHS will be notified later on today (Oct. 4) on how to register for meals. We will do as we have done in the past with an automated email and pickup around the back of the building. Lorie Johnson, Food Service Director, will be sending the information out so please check your email.
All games, practices, and after school activities have been canceled at WMHS until further notice. As a reminder, keeping each student and staff member safe and healthy is our number one priority.
Please follow the guidelines for quarantining if you have been directed to do so. We have been very diligent in following the CDC guidelines and want to be able to keep all of our students in school and we need your help. Please limit the amount of interactions with others when your child is not feeling well. Please be assured that during this time we will continue to take all precautionary measures to ensure that our schools are safe for all staff and students. We have begun intensive disinfecting throughout the school based on this information. Thank you for your continued support as we maneuver through this pandemic.
Please call your physician if you or your student has any signs and symptoms of COVID. Any questions can be directed to Nurse Marilyn Sprague by calling 882-7767 (option 2) or emailing msprague@wiscassetschools.org
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