Woolwich still deciding how best to use ARPA funds
Woolwich will earmark part of its $335,963 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) monies to buy equipment for its first responders, including air packs, turnout gear, emergency radios and lifesaving apparatus. The select board asked Fire Chief Mike Demers and EMS Director Brian Carlton to provide them with itemized lists. At Monday night’s meeting, Chair David King Sr. said the town has until 2026 to use its ARPA funds. “We’ll prioritize how we’d like to spend it at our next meeting,” added King.
Town Administrator Kim Dalton noted the town must make its first reporting on how it intends to spend its ARPA monies by April 20, 2022. The monies must be used on approved COVID-19 related items. Voters must also authorize the board to accept the monies at a special town meeting; a public hearing will then be held explaining how they’ll be spent. A suggestion was made Monday to use some of the ARPA funding to resume televising the select board and other local meetings on cable Channel 3. The board had no objections and will seek input from its Communication Committee. The board is also considering adding a ventilation system on the second floor of the municipal building.
Selectman Allison Hepler reported she hasn’t given up on efforts to have the highway classification upgraded on state Route 127 from Woolwich to Dresden. Hepler noted she had been in touch with Meghan M. Russo, Maine Department of Transportation’s manager of legislative and constituent services in Augusta. Hepler said Russo will ask MDOT’s regional office to place a traffic counter on Route 127. “Dresden officials too, would like to see the classification upgraded,” added Hepler. The board hopes the state will make more improvements on the heavily traveled road, including widening the shoulders and repaving it more frequently. Selectman Dale Chadbourne said the traffic count should be done in the summer when the road gets the most use.
Debbie Locke noted the Special Events Committee will host a Veterans Day program at Nequasset Meeting House across from the town office at 11 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 11. All are welcome. Road Commissioner Jack Shaw said no serious damage was reported following the weekend nor’easter. The fire department helped clear roads of downed tree limbs and a minor washout.