Zumba anyone?
When Debbie Speed of Wiscasset started Zumba over three years ago she didn’t realize the impact it would have on her life. Today she is nearly 100 pounds lighter and feels terrific. She attributes her weight-loss success to her Zumba workouts.
“Zumba has been a huge help in my weight loss and a really huge help in helping me to tone! It is a very exhilarating cardio workout for sure,” she said.Speed is hoping to share her success of Zumba by offering a free class on Sunday, Sept. 9 from 5 to 6 p.m. at St. Philip’s Church in Wiscasset.
Speed admits to having a weight problem most of her life. She confesses to having won a silver dollar in a fattest baby contest.
“I have always been a meat and potato girl,” she said. She has never been fond of salads so she has just cut back on what she eats. Teaching three to four Zumba workouts a week allows her enough exercise to still eat the foods she enjoys.
“What really tears me up is seeing overweight young people,” Speed said. “I just want to take them and get them moving. I wish I had Zumba when I was young. It’s so much fun.”
“Ditch the Workout – Join the Party,” Zumba’s slogan, sums it up perfectly. The workout is basically made up Latin-style dance moves, so participants feel like they are at a party rather than a workout.
A recent report published on the American Council of Exercise website concludes that Zumba is a very effective workout.
In his report on the site, John Porcari, Ph.D., of the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse’s Department of Exercise and Sport Science writes, “It’s a total-body exercise – a good, high-energy aerobic workout. Zumba fitness is also good for core strengthening and flexibility gains because there are lots of hip and midsection movements.”
Zumba workouts can burn 500 to 800 calories in an hour-long workout, depending on intensity and an individual's weight, fitness level and muscle composition. Also, Zumba helps reduce stress, burns fat; builds endurance and coordination; strengthens heart and lungs; and increase circulation, said Speed.
Last September, Speed completed the Zumba Basic 1 course to become a certified instructor and has been teaching since January. She has also complete Zumba Basic 2 course and is now also certified to teach in Zumbatomics, a program geared toward 4 to 12-year-olds.
Currently Speed offers the following classes: Sundays at St. Philip’s Church in Wiscasset, 5 to 6 p.m.; Wednesdays at the Wiscasset Community Center, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. (this class will change to the Wiscasset Primary School sometime this fall, so call the Wiscasset Community Center for details); and Fridays at Mobius in Damariscotta, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Speed will also arrange for free Zumba demonstrations for organizations. For additional details, call her at 882-5265.
When attending Zumba class, students will want to make sure they wear comfortable clothing and sneakers and always bring water. It is also recommended that students bring a small hand towel as you definitely work up a sweat.
“Going to a Zumba class is like going to a big dance party! You work out, but have so much fun! There are just so many benefits. I love being able to share my love of Zumba with my students,” Speed said.
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