Would you enjoy boating more if you knew more about boats and navigation? That’s the purpose of boating courses offered by U. S. Coast Guard Flotilla Boothbay Harbor. They are designed to help you become better at operating or assisting when boating. We have four courses scheduled at two locations through early June. Please check our website at flotilla25.org for additional courses that may be scheduled during the summer.
“About Boating Safely” is an introduction to boating. Topics covered include types of boats, trailering, safety equipment, legal requirements, navigating waterways, and safe operation. The course is approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA). Successful completion of an optional exam at the end of the course leads to a certificate. It can be used to show you have taken a boating course which is required to operate a boat in most states and Canada. Many insurance companies offer discounts to those who have the certificate.
Boothbay Region Adult Ed: April 24, 26, May 1, and 3; 6-8 p.m. each night.
To register: call 207-633-3224 or email boothbayae@gwi.net.
Maine Maritime Museum: May 14,16, 21, and 23: 6-8 p.m. each night
To register: call 207-443-1316 or email titcomb@maritimeme.org.
“Navigating Mid Coast Maine” covers three easy ways to make boating more enjoyable: 1) learn the basics about the information found on nautical charts including GPS displays, 2) have them out where you can use them when enjoying Maine’s beautiful mid-coast waters, and 3) learn about navigation aids (they’re on the charts, GPS displays, and on the water) so you can use them to cruise safely. This class covers all three ways. It is an introduction to navigation using a chart of the Boothbay area. Learn how to read a chart (or GPS display) and become familiar with the coastal waters between Small Point and Pemaquid. Problem sets will help you plan cruises and understand the information found on any navigation chart (or GPS display) (e.g., buoys, lights, water depth) and to use them while cruising. True and magnetic headings, variation, lines of position, chart symbols, piloting, latitude and longitude, and dead reckoning are explained. A copy of the Three Rivers chart (#13293) is given to each student.
Boothbay Adult Ed: June 5, 7, 12, and 14; 6-8 p.m. each night.
To register: call 207-633-3224 or email boothbayae@gwi.net.
Maine Maritime Museum:June 4, 6, 11, 13; 6-8 p.m. each night.
To register: call 207-443-1316 or email titcomb@maritimeme.org.
“Sailing Skills and Seamanship”is designed for both experienced and novice sailboat skippers and crew. Topics include types of sailboats, equipment for your boat, how a boat sails, reading the wind, points of sailing, sail controls, running, close-hauled, reaching, and sail adjustments. Basic maneuvers of tacking and jibing are explained along with picking up a mooring, leaving and approaching a dock, and anchoring. In addition, aids to navigation and an introduction to the rules of the nautical road are covered. Passing an optional exam at the end of the course leads to a National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) certificate that can be used to show you have taken a boating safety course. The certificate is required to operate a boat in most states and Canada. Many boat insurance companies offer discounts on boating insurance to boat owners who have a certificate.
Boothbay Adult Ed: May 8, 10, 15, 17, 22 and 24; 6-8 p.m. each night.
To register: call 207-633-3224 or email boothbayae@gwi.net.
“Suddenly in Command: Safe boating requires planning and preparation as well as careful operation. Steps to take to minimize boating problems and basic emergency procedures are covered. Topics include pre-underway planning, developing situational awareness, understanding how boats handle, use of a VHF radio including how to get help in an emergency, Coast Guard required safety equipment and regulations, and accident assessment and reporting.
Maine Maritime Museum:May 29 and 30: 6-8 p.m. each night.
To register: call 207-443-1316 or email titcomb@maritimeme.org.