There is still space available for campers between the ages of 9 and 14 in four sessions of Coastal Rivers Conservation Trust’s Camp Mummichog summer day camp.
“River Beats” (July 17-28) is a unique camp program that invites campers ages 10 to 14 to take inspiration from the natural world to create an original musical composition. With no prior music experience required, the campers work closely with Will Healy of the New York Philharmonic’s Young Composers Program to create their composition, which is then performed by professional musicians at a special concert at the end of the two-week session.
A “Nature Photography” camp session (July 17-21), also for kids ages 10 to 14, offers hands-on experience with digital photography while exploring the natural world. Participants learn about composition and editing, as well how to adjust camera settings such as aperture and exposure to create different effects. This session includes an island field trip.
Campers attending “Marine Adventures” (July 31-Aug. 4) will conduct their own experiments, dissect a squid, visit a lab at the University of Maine Darling Marine Center to learn from marine biologists in the field, and take a boat trip on the Damariscotta River. This session is for kids age 9 to 12.
During the “Wabanaki Ways” session (Aug. 14-18), campers will learn about Wabanaki culture from a Wabanaki educator through stories, games, art and music, and practice outdoor living skills such as building a shelter, tasting wild edibles, and tracking animals. For ages 9 to 12, this session includes an all-day field trip to Round Top Farm to visit the prehistoric Whaleback Shell Middens.
At Camp Mummichog, nature education takes many forms: hands-on exploration, physical activity, art, music, writing, games, and more. All camp sessions are held at Coastal Rivers Salt Bay Farm on Belvedere Road in Damariscotta, a beautiful nature preserve featuring rolling fields, forest, and both fresh and saltwater marshes.
To learn more, download a camp brochure, or register, visit Scholarships are available for all camp sessions.
Coastal Rivers is a non-profit, member-supported, nationally accredited land trust caring for the lands and waters of the Damariscotta-Pemaquid Region by conserving special places, protecting water quality, creating trails and public access, and deepening connections to nature through education programs. For more information, email or visit