Habitat for Humanity homes planned in Wiscasset
Two Habitat for Humanity homes will go up soon on Federal Street in Wiscasset. Town permits and designs were approved last fall. The plan is to build a two-bedroom and a three-bedroom one in the fall. The homes are modular and most of the construction will occur off-site. Once the homes are moved to the property, Habitat for Humanity volunteers and the new homeowners will finishing them. That may include painting, building porches, and other tasks.
“By using modular construction we can build affordable housing more economically,” said Habitat for Humanity/7Rivers Maine Executive Director Mark Primeau. “The build is much shorter, and that allows us to help more families become homeowners.” It takes eight to 10 weeks from order to delivery, he said.
A shortage of affordable housing forces many households to spend more than the recommended 30 percent of their budget on housing expenses, according to Kathy Smith of Habitat for Humanity/7 Rivers Maine. This can result in families losing housing, not being able to access affordable housing at all, or cutting other necessary spending such as food, health care, clothing, and more to pay the rent or mortgage. According to a study by the National Low Income Housing Coalition, Maine renters would have to earn $18.88 per hour to afford a typical two-bedroom apartment, if they could even find one. Many towns have few rentals available.
The average wage in Maine is $11.44 per hour, leaving a $7.29 per hour “affordability gap," Smith said. In Wiscasset, the average two-bedroom rental, including utility costs, is $1,131 per month, while affordable rent for those earning the median income is $839. According to Maine Housing Data for 2017, two thirds of renter households in Wiscasset cannot afford the average two-bedroom home.
Habitat for Humanity makes home ownership affordable by obtaining free or low-cost sites, building basic decent homes that are energy-efficient, and partnering with volunteers, donors, contractors and others to support building each house. Once the building is complete, Habitat sells the house to the family at a cost that does not exceed 30 percent of the household budget, and subsidizing part of the cost, if necessary, to ensure the monthly mortgage is affordable.
The first house, to be built at 142 Federal St. by Dirigo Custom Structures, is currently listed for $149,000.
Habitat is seeking families to become Wiscasset homeowners prepared to take on the responsibilities of a home. Applicants must show two years of consistent income, their ability to make regular payments, and a credit score of at least 640. Habitat applicants cannot earn more than 80 percent of the average median income and should earn enough to afford the mortgage. For details on eligibility and how to apply, visit http://habitat7rivers.org/programs/new-home or call 207-504-9332.
Habitat is also looking for volunteers and donors. For more information, call 207-504-9332.
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