Corn gleaning produces more than 1,000 pounds
On two very hot mornings Aug. 6 and 8, the Lincoln County Gleaners trekked out to Clark Farm in Nobleboro to get food for area food banks, churches, libraries, senior citizen homes and senior centers, Head Starts, and other places people receive free produce.
Gleaning lets farmers rid themselves of produce not commercially saleable, but still nutritious. They let volunteers into their fields to remove the excess produce. Fruit that is bruised, or ears of corn that are too small, are typically left for the gleaners. The farmers get a field that can be turned under immediately, and people who cannot afford produce easily in the stores get fresh, local produce.
Members gleaned, or collected, more than a thousand pounds of sweet corn. It went to sites in Wiscasset, Boothbay Harbor, Damariscotta, Newcastle, Jefferson, Bristol and Waldoboro.
Grain crops, like corn, are among the first crops of the season, but many more gleaners will be needed as the harvest really starts rolling in. If interested in learning more about Lincoln County Gleaners and getting on an email list when a farm needs helpers, contact Julie Tenan at People are also needed to take the gleaned produce to the distribution sites.
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