Wiscasset junior soccer wraps successful season
The Wiscasset Recreation Junior soccer teams completed a successful season against Boothbay, Damariscotta and Richmond teams Oct. 27. The two junior teams called Dynamo and Fire are predominantly composed of fifth and sixth graders from Wiscasset Elementary School and Center for Teacher and Learning (CTL) in Edgecomb.
Glenn Powers, the coach for Dynamo said, “The Wiscasset Dynamo had a great season this year at the rec. We improved so much across the board and had a lot of fun.”
Shanon Cotta of Alna, the coach of Fire, reiterated the skill improvement of the players. “I want to thank the parents, young players and the Wiscasset Recreation for fostering a positive learning environment and teamwork.”
All the players received certificates for completing a wonderful season. If families are interested in participating in youth soccer at Wiscasset Recreation, please contact Duane Goud, Wiscasset Community Center at dgoud@wiscassetrec.com
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