Dresden to vote on pay, roads
Dresden residents will meet at 9 a.m. Saturday, June 15 at Pownalborough Meeting Hall to vote on 35 warrant articles at the annual town meeting.
One discussion will be the reallocation of funds in the transition from elected to salaried town officers.
Article 4 eliminates $41,000 in stipends for the formerly elected town clerk and tax collector offices. It adds $60,340 in salaries and benefits for two part-time, salaried people. Fees collected previously by the clerks of approximately $7,500 will now be used to partly offset the difference, according to notes attached to the warrant.
“We have started doing interviews. We have quite a few applications,” said First Selectman Trudy Foss in a telephone interview on Monday, June 3.
Foss said she expects the jobs will be filled by town meeting and that the new hires will dovetail with the current clerks before taking over at the beginning of July.
Article 6 which covers public protection will see a reduction of $29,000 in fire department operations in most part by eliminating payments for a generator bought last year.
Article 9 shows a reduction of $2,000 for solid waste disposal.
Article 11 asks for an increase of $91,142 for paving, snow removal and maintenance of town roads. Foss said the increase is the result of the decision a few years ago not to let road maintenance surpluses be carried over in succeeding years.
“This year we are feeling the effects,” said Foss.
Article 13 asks residents to accept the maintenance of Forest Hill Cemetery. Article 14 asks for $1,500 to cover the costs of cemetery operations. Foss said tthe town had always donated for cemetery mowing. The new funds will be used for a sextant to manage the sale of the cemetery lots and the repair of broken stones.
Article 19 includes under charitable gifts $2,000 for Dresden Historical Society and $400 for Airflight Foundation. Foss said the Historical Society has asked for help for repairs to its building. The Airflight Foundation has received funds in previous years but had not been used recently.
“They don’t often come to Dresden,” said Foss.
Article 21 would appropriate $105,281 from the Inge Foster Trust for repair of the town landing near Middle Bridge. Foss said the trust was created five years ago and had not been drawn upon until now.
The town report is dedicated to Joe Wiley. Wiley has served on several boards and commissions, said Foss.
“He has done much for the town over 30 years,” said Foss.
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