A double rainbow is captured June 1 over Donald E. Davey Bridge, which links Wiscasset and Edgecomb. Courtesy of Patrick Kavanagh
Federal Street, Wiscasset. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Wiscasset village. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Wiscasset village. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Sheepscot River, Alna. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Sheepscot River, Alna. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Near Alna’s community garden. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Daffodils on Wiscasset Common, with First Congregational Church in the background. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
PHIL DI VECE/Wiscasset Newspaper
A pink-footed goose splashes near Water Street in Wiscasset March 22. Courtesy of Rhonda Hamlin
A pink-footed goose in Wiscasset March 22. Courtesy of Rhonda Hamlin
A rainbow arches over Montsweag Bay in Woolwich June 1. Courtesy of Joanne Greenlaw
Wenonah Wirick took this photo May 9 when Wiscasset got snow. Courtesy of Wenonah Wirick
The sun sets over Alna’s community garden May 7. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Clark’s Point, Wiscasset. PHIL DI VECE/Wiscasset Newspaper
Route 1, Wiscasset. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
The super moon over the Sheepscot River in Wiscasset. Courtesy of Maggie Zieg
Montsweag Bay in Woolwich reflects the super moon in April. Courtesy of Joanne Greenlaw
A Woolwich daffodil, in bloom April 25. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
A couple of last year’s daffodil plantings as they appeared April 16 along the path on Wiscasset Common. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper