Lincoln County Republicans meet
The Lincoln County Republican Committee met Wednesday, Sept. 29 in Newcastle. Guests spoke on various issues affecting Maine and Lincoln County.
Al Cohen of Big Al’s Super Value spoke about the challenges he faces as a Maine business and his decision to close his store after 35 years. Generous unemployment and welfare benefits at the state and federal level have made it impossible for him to hire enough workers. Increasing regulation, demands, and red tape have increased his personal workload even as he works on location to fill in for missing staff. The state has not stepped in with help or partnered with struggling businesses to help them survive but rather seems indifferent to their problems.
Rick Savage of Sunday River Brewing a speaker at a previous meeting, described the state’s attitude as adversarial, a description not unlike the case made by Cohen.
Maine Representative Richard Bradstreet discussed the redistricting efforts and the resulting changes. All present were disappointed that because of restructuring he will not be representing any towns in our county.
James LaBrecque gave a presentation on Referendum Question 1, the Hydro Quebec transmission line. This is an opportunity to bring 1200 Megawatts of clean energy onto the grid without increasing electrical cost, covering hundreds of acres with solar panels, or stripping scores of Maine’s mountain tops and running miles of new transmission lines to link them to the grid.
The next LCRC meeting is scheduled for Oct. 27, the location and speakers will be announced at a future date.
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