Alna residents, please vote yes on Article 4
Dear Editor:
Article 4 in Alna’s upcoming Dec. 14 election provides us with an opportunity to improve the stability and continuity of our town government.
Our first select person’s resignation back in April showed that concentrating knowledge and information in a single person is a real problem. If the only experienced member of the board suddenly resigns, it leaves the entire town vulnerable.
We support Article 4’s proposal for staggered three-year select board terms. Unforeseen select board resignations and absences would no longer leave the town scrambling. Two select persons with town knowledge and experience would continue governing. This is sound municipal management consistent with the practices of neighboring towns.
Equally shared responsibility and compensation for select board members will also balance the work load. Article 4 endorses this common sense practice.
And approval of Article 4 would allow Alna, for the very first time, to adopt a written policy regarding the important aspects of the way the select board operates.
Article’s 4’s proposal gives no advantage to any one individual or group, but rather benefits all residents.
We urge Alna residents to vote in favor of article 4 on Dec. 14.
Bill Wood and Debby Hughes