Help sought collecting ambulance fees
The Woolwich ambulance department will begin using Thomas Agency of Portland to help recover unpaid bills for emergency services. EMS Director Brian Carlton told selectmen Monday night, the collection agency receives a 30% commission on whatever it collects.
“There are no upfront costs to the department and the contract with them can be terminated at any time,” said Carlton. The ambulance department has about $6,000 in accounts receivable it plans to turn over for collection. The department, continued Carlton, has recorded 277 calls so far in the 2021-2022 fiscal year which ends June 30. “This means we’re on track to reach 333 calls, which is our highest number ever,” he said. To date, the department has taken in $66,000 in revenues. Carlton also noted May 15-21 is National EMS week.
Acting Fire Chief Glen Kirkpatrick said the past two weeks had been fairly quiet at the fire department. First responders responded to two motor vehicle accidents, provided mutual aid to Pittston Fire Department and responded to a minor electrical fire at the post office.
The select board will apply for $5,000 in grant monies from ConnectMaine to study establishing broadband internet service. This process will be a collaborative effort with Dresden and Wiscasset.
The board hired Corey Wallace for lawn mowing services at $579 a month for six months.
Select Board Chairman David King Sr. said Woolwich’s ration declaration fell to 85% this year. “This means we’ll lose 15% of our state reimbursement, which is why we need to have a town-wide property revaluation,” he explained.
Debbie Locke of the events committee said the community’s Memorial Day program will likely be held in the historic Nequasset Meeting House.