Richard DeVries seeks Westport Island first selectman seat
Address: 17 Ferry Road, Westport Island, ME 04578-3116
Occupation: President of my own corporation that provided financial and team leadership for many projects for the U.S. Navy for 12 years, Retired Coast Guard Commander – 28 years of service to our country; retired BIW Project Manager – 16-plus years of management experience.
Education: Bachelor's degree – United States Coast Guard Academy. Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineer – Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Master's degree in Naval architecture with a "NAV E" designation – Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Political History (Board, committees, other): Sheepscot Valley Regional School Board (SVRSU 12) – 14 years, Sheepscot Valley Regional School Board (SVRSU 12) Finance Committee – 14 years, Sheepscot Valley Regional School Board (SVRSU 12) Curriculum Committee – 6 years.
Chair of Westport Island Wright Landing Committee maintaining the parking lot, boat ramp, privy, grounds, and buildings 18 years (a no-stipend position). The committee saved the town several hundred dollars annually and was the lead committee that prepared the Wright House for occupation by the Westport Island History Committee.
Clubs/Organizations: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineering
Considering the office you are running for, what do you feel are the three most pressing issues (350 words or less):
1) Ensuring that the staff of the Westport Island Town Office are treated with the respect and dignity by all members of the select board and the community.
2) Ensuring the tax rate remains low to ensure that all residents of Westport Island are able to retain their residents here on the island.
3) Ensuring that the Comprehensive Plan reflects the current needs and requirements of all residents of Westport Island.
Any other thoughts on why you are running or what you can bring to the office? (150 words or less):
My experience in project management, team leadership, and finance are strong characteristics that are needed in the position of first selectman on the Westport Island select board. Questions – (207) 882-5464