Jodi Hardwick seeks to join Wiscasset school committee
Address: 36 Montsweag Valley Road, Wiscasset ME 04578
Occupation: Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Education: Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, bachelor of arts in social work, 2004; University of New England, Portland, master’s degree in social work, 2006
Political History (Board, committees, other): none
Clubs/Organizations: National Association of Social Workers, Wiscasset Elementary School Partners in Education, Feed Our Scholars Set 4 Success Program, Wiscasset Female Charitable Society
Considering the office you are running for, what do you feel are the three most pressing issues (350 words or less): Three of the most pressing issues facing the Wiscasset School Committee are enrollment, fulling funding the School District to maintain staffing and improve infrastructure, and positively addressing the lingering effects of a pandemic on staff, students and families.
Wiscasset School District has continuously seen a decrease in enrollment which impacts state/federal funding as well as programming and opportunities for students. There are no simple solutions for decreased enrollment due to numerous factors in our communities that impact this issue e.g. lack of affordable housing for families and an aging population.Another factor may be high teacher turnover. Compensation for WSD teachers is not competitive with other local school districts who also provide technology and other instructional supportlacking within WSD. Improving staff turnover rate, engaging in effective communication, and improving partnerships with parents and community may help enhance perception of the value of WSD education and attract new families to the community.
Wiscasset School Committee has an obligation to the citizens of the Town of Wiscasset, its students, and the 100+ schoolemployees to appropriately advocate for funding of salaries and resources. The committee also has the challenging task of balancing the potentially increasing fiscal demands on an agingpopulation. The educators need to have the resources requiredto provide the education the children deserve. This includes having the support staff needed, safe facilities to support learning, and support for behavioral and social -emotional needs.Additionally, maintaining small class sizes will continue to foster teacher/student relationships and in turn student outcomes.
School is often a source of stability for students and their families, but that balance was interrupted due to the pandemic.This instability caused added stress on top of pre-existing risk factors e.g. income inequality, food security, quality day care - which further impacted mental health of all during the pandemic. The importance of continuing to support the social and emotional needs of both students and staff is paramount.Considering the increasing rates of community violence and suicide we cannot ignore the vital role that mental health and emotional intelligence plays in an academic setting.
Any other thoughts on why you are running or what you can bring to the office? (150 words or less): As a local parent and clinical social worker who has worked in school systems, I believe I would bring a unique perspective to our school committee. My experiences will be an asset to WSD, as I am skilled in leading respectful, complex conversations to work towards solution-focused outcomes.
My goal as a school committee member will be to work with all stakeholders to identify factors in the School District that may enhance any students’ academic, social, and emotional success and encourage building partnerships with parents and community members. Having worked professionally on interdisciplinary teams, I know the importance of including all stakeholders when encouraging change. This includes helping to elevate student voice at school board meetings. To communicate with me feel free to find me on Facebook @Hardwick4Wiscasset or email