Right Rev. Gary Gloster comes to All Saints
The Right Rev. Gary Gloster, Retired Suffragan Bishop of North Carolina will preach at All Saints Church, Southport, Sunday, July 7.
Gloster is well known for his commitment to urban ministry and his passionate advocacy on behalf of social justice. At the time of his election as bishop, Gloster was in his seventh year as Vicar of the Chapel of Christ the King, serving the underserved and impoverished Optimist Park neighborhood of Charlotte, N.C. Before this, for eight years he served a newly-formed inner-city mission.
His well-established talents in clown ministry is also well known. At his own consecration, he invited the Presiding Bishop and others, to don clown noses.
Continuing his commitment to social justice, in the aftermath of the election and consecration of the controversial Gene Robinson as Bishop of New Hampshire, he reminded his own Diocese of the ongoing, reconciling work of Christ.
Besides preaching at the eight and ten o’clock services, Gloster will lead a discussion on the church porch on Tuesday at 9 a.m.
All-Saints by-the-Sea is on the east side of Southport, accessible either by private boat or by the Novelty, which leaves Pier 8 in Boothbay Harbor at 9 a.m and meets returning passengers from the church dock at 11:40 a.m.
For those traveling by car, parking is available along Route 238 South, or in the small lot for the disabled on All Saints Road. A golf cart offers transportation to the church steps.
All are welcome.
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