LCRPC helping towns seek broadband grants
Lincoln County has received a Regional Broadband Partnership Grant for digital inclusion and digital equity planning. Lincoln County Regional Planning Commission Executive Director Mary Ellen Barnes reported Dec. 6, LCRPC would use these funds to help communities learn how to better access internet services. Lincoln is working with neighboring counties Sagadahoc, Knox and part of Waldo in administering the grant.
Lincoln County’s portion was $234,000. The grant funds two years of providing assistance in best demonstrated practices in using their cell phones and tablets. Barnes envisions staff working with residents in libraries and community centers demonstrating how to use technology. “This helps people to better use and access the internet,” she said. “We will hire additional staff and share lessons learned about using technology. The grant funds additional full-time employees who help residents with their questions.”
Barnes added the grant would also assist municipalities in buying technological equipment. The planning commission is also helping communities seek American Rescue Plan Act broadband funding. Barnes reported Maine Connectivity Authority has two current programs. One is called “Reach Me” which extends internet service provider utility lines. The second is “Connect the Ready” which is a competitive grants program encouraging proactive partnerships and collaborative efforts for designing, funding and building broadband infrastructure projects in eligible areas.
MCA is entering its second phase of accepting applications. In Round 1, the planning commission helped some county municipalities secure “Reach Me” grants. Newcastle and LCI Fiber each invested $60,000 into their broadband partnership, and received a $60,000 match. Barnes reported their collaboration serves 257 households. Nobleboro and LCI Fiber each invested $50,000, and received a matching grant. Their partnership serves 214 homes. South Bristol was the third receiving a matching grant. South Bristol also worked with LCI Fiber with investing $80,000 and received a grant match. Their partnership serves 343 households.
LCRPC received commissioners’ approval to extend its annual contract with the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Forestry. The extension is for six months running from Dec. 1 to June 30. The state is paying LCRPC an additional $10,539.03.