Join in Healing Power of Community and Arts at Merry Barn
In light of recent events in the Middle East, and in our beloved Pine Tree State, the Merry Barn welcomes community members to two special gatherings on Saturday, Nov. 4, as part of our collective healing.
Community Literacy event
Practicing Love in Times of Conflict, the November Community Literacy Event, will take place from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Friends, family, young and elder, are invited for a special reading of “Flowers for Sarajevo,” the story of a brave boy who practices kindness during a time of conflict. Resonate for our time, we are reminded of the power of beauty and kindness when the world is upside down. After the reading, participants will paint Kindness Rocks to place around our community. Inspired by a new theme each month, Community Literacy Events at the Merry Barn are gatherings that highlight creativity through reading, writing, and the arts. Read alouds, engaging projects, and tasty treats, bring together folks from diverse generations and backgrounds. These events are free and open to the public.
Gawler and Tischler in concert
Musician Billy Joel has said, “I think music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive expression of humanity.” On Saturday evening at 7, Elsie Gawler and Ethan Tischler will bring their unique expressions of humanity to the Merry Barn. These songsters and tunesmiths weave together a musical world of past, present, and hopeful future. Ethan and Elsie delight in learning and sharing the rich musical traditions of New England, Quebec, their Celtic influencers, and Scandinavia, as well as writing their own tunes and songs to carry these traditions forward.
Building on the rich history of the Merry Barn as a beloved dance hall, and the centrality of music and storytelling to the seafaring communities, farms, fields, and forests of Maine, this new series brings musicians with Maine ties to the Midcoast.
Tickets are available at Adults $20; Kids 12 and under $10. For more information, email: