CTL students visit Farnsworth Art Museum
Students from the Center for Teaching and Learning recently visited the Farnsworth Art Museum in Rockland. Students viewed the exhibit “Magwintegwak: A Legacy of Penobscot Basketry” as part of this year’s history curriculum. Students learned about Penobscot basketmaker and tribal advocate Robert H. Anderson, and the traditions of Penobscot basketry from the 1930s to today. Students were also able to view works from Andrew Wyeth and Lynne Drexler, two artists deeply influenced and inspired by Maine and its natural beauty.
Each year CTL’s history and science curricula, Pre-K–8, revolve around paired concepts. Students engage as researchers of the paired concepts across a year, learning in-depth and collaboratively about the natural and physical worlds and how history is shaped by the circumstances and choices of individuals and nations. Through this five-year spiral approach to the content areas, students encounter an introduction to ancient cultures, a chronology of American history, and a balance of natural and physical sciences. Concepts addressed during their first years at CTL are revisited at greater depth in students’ final years. CTL’s history curriculum this year, “Making a Nation,” focuses on early American history.
To learn more about CTL, please visit our website at www.c-t-l.org, or contact CTL’s Head of School, Katy Inman, at katy@c-t-l.org.