Wiscasset Senior Center
The next public supper will be Feb. 19. The meal consists of minestrone soup, salad, garlic bread, chicken Parmesan, linguini, and lemon gelatin cake. The cost is $10 for members and $12 for non-members. Additional meals may be purchased for take-out at the same cost when reserved. Takeouts should be picked up at 5:45 p.m. For more information or to make a reservation, call 882-8230. Please join us for this delicious meal.
Cribbage for results Tuesday, Feb. 4 with 19 players:
First place: Pam Frenier, 836
Second place: Beverly Blair, 815
Third place: Catherine Rolerson, 809
High Hand: Pam Frenier, 24
Low Score: Duane Rolerson, 739
Cribbage for Thursday, Feb. 6 was canceled due to a snowstorm.