Godly values
Dear Editor:
I am a strong Maine Christian conservative grandmother. I believe Janet Mills is wrong. Our young women should not have to compete against biological males. This is not a battle of Mills versus Trump! This is about right and wrong. Our young women need to be protected not have their rights infringed upon. This whole woke agenda is wrong!
Our young people should be learning academics not taught far leftist ideology Our ancestors founded this country to escape religious persecution and make a great country with liberty and justice for all. Our country has been corrupt on both sides of politics for a long time. We need to bring back Godly values to our schools with liberty and justice for all. People should be able to worship God and respect and love those that are different, but not forced to believe in a woke agenda; politicians need to serve the people not their own agendas. They are supposed to represent the people who elected them. We need to protect our young women and all citizens not cause people to hate each other based on lies or political control of either party.
Most Americans are loving caring people and we want to help others. We have helped other countries also. All societies need rules and regulations Every great nation has fallen from within because some people creep in with ideas of socialism and communism. They turn their backs on God because they want to be in control! Well no matter what God is ultimately in control and the majority of American people voted for change! God has given us more grace time to come back to our senses and use some common sense. God has blessed us because He loves us. He wants us to love and accept Him, but he gives us free will to choose. I pray that all people will have their eyes and hearts open to God’s word and truth.
Joan Gray