Wiscasset bridge rally to protest Trump/Musk betrayals
The past two Saturdays have seen what are, for Lincoln County, massive rallies on the Newcastle/Damariscotta bridge, protesting the wrecking ball Trump and Musk are taking to our economy and democracy. Each Saturday hundreds have shown up to be seen and counted. This Saturday, March 15 we will gather on the Wscasset bridge from noon to 1 p.m.
With Republicans poised to drive a budget through Congress which will give Trump and Musk free rein for another six months, the theme is ‘No More Betrayals’. No more betrayals of Ukraine. No more betrayals of our allies. No more betrayals of MaineCare and Medicare and Social Security. No more betrayals of our veterans. No more betrayals of children in need of sustenance and healthcare. No more betrayals of all with LGBTQ+ or other gender-expansive identities. And in general, no more betrayals of the American people to fund additional tax breaks for billionaires.
We will be on the bridge with increasing determination to keep protesting and fighting until we can build a movement powerful enough to roll back this full-frontal assault on the foundations of the health and well-being of Mainers and of our democracy, and on core values we all hold in common regardless of our political affiliations.