The storm before the calm
One of the most annoying things about snow for me, is that we have to work so hard removing something that eventually goes away on its own.
There! I've always wanted to say that. I feel better now.
These last snows have been remarkably beautiful. Light, fluffy, sparkly ... early.
Photographically, it was as pretty as it gets. For people with cameras, and jeez, who doesn't have some photo making device, it was great material.
Take for example, this week's photo I've titled “Creative Coastal Chalet” or “CCC” for short (not to be confused with Civilian Conservation Corps).
Note the substantial depth of snow accumulated on the various planes of architecture — we are talking some significant accumulation. The snow just settled atop all the surfaces, beautifully, evenly and with only occasional break in the contours of the structure. A perfect mold.
Well, it’s all but gone now. Rain, warming temps, freezing rain and ice have worked onto the pristine surfaces and rendered them into splotch glug. And I took a header off our back steps just to lay icing on my cake.
Smoke 'em if you got 'em folks; we're in for a ride. Leave some cookies and milk out for Santa!
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United States