Enrichment opportunities grow at Seeds of Knowledge
The educational programs at Seeds of Knowledge have been well received by families around the Midcoast area. In order to provide learning opportunities to more students, enrichment classes will now be offered at GSB in Damariscotta in addition to Wiscasset. Seeds of Knowledge will begin its fall programs for students in grades K-6 with “Adventures in Geometry.” This captivating workshop will be offered the week of September 18th with a variety of engaging activities to help students better understand the mathematical concepts.
“The Dirt on Dirt” workshop will be offered the following week. Students will learn how soil serves a variety of purposes in our world and is vital to our survival. Demonstrations and hands-on investigations will help children explore the properties of soil. An erosion experiment will lead into a discussion of soil loss caused by natural and man-made disasters. Children will learn practical steps people are taking to conserve our precious soil. This workshop will be offered on Tuesday, September 25 at the Wiscasset Scout Hall from 9 a.m. to noon for homeschoolers and in the afternoon at GSB from 3 to 5 p.m. Wiscasset Primary students will be able to take this class on Wednesday, Sept. 26 from noon to 3 p.m. on “Early Release” day.
Exploring Earth: “Ecosystems and Endangered Species” is a 6-week enrichment program that begins the week of Oct. 8. Through an in-depth study of four ecosystems, children will discover how each living thing on Earth has a crucial role on our planet and will learn how living things are dependent on one another for survival. This 6-week program will be provided for homeschoolers on Tuesday mornings from 9 a.m.-noon at the Wiscasset Scout Hall; Tuesdays afterschool in Wiscasset from 3 to 5 p.m.; and Thursdays afterschool in Damariscotta from 3 to 5 p.m.
For more information about the programs, times and locations, and to register, visit www.seedsofknowledgeec.com or call 841-2704.
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