Looking for a safe place to visit during hunting season?
Hunting season has arrived, and many nature lovers and explorers may be wondering where to seek refuge and safety.
Hidden Valley Nature Center (HVNC) in Jefferson is designated by the state of Maine as an official Game Preserve, otherwise known as a Game Sanctuary.
As such there is no hunting or trapping of any kind allowed within the bounds of HVNC.
In fact, the area was designated as the Whitefield/Jefferson Game Sanctuary over a half-century ago, long before HVNC was in existence, and encompasses much more than HVNC’s 1,000 acres.
“We still encourage visitors to wear orange this time of year,” HVNC Director Andy McEvoy said. “Even very safe and mindful hunters can make mistakes regarding boundaries, and it is such an easy precaution.”
Maine has a rich and admirable legacy of sportsmanship and public access to private lands. That being the case, it isn’t always easy for non-hunters to find places to walk their dog, go for a run, or photograph fall foliage without the looming presence of hunters.
“HVNC is home to all kinds of mammals and birds,” naturalist Chuck Dinsmore said. “Just the other week I noticed signs of moose along the ridge.” This time of year many of those species are seeking refuge in places like a Game Sanctuary.
For a trail map or more information about the ways to explore HVNC visit www.hvnc.org. HVNC has three rustic cabins and several tent sites available to be rented. HVNC encourages all forms of non-motorized recreation including wildlife viewing, walking, trail running, and mountain biking. Well behaved dogs are encouraged and can be off leash.
More information available online at www.hvnc.org, info@hvnc.org, or call 207-200-8840.
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