Star Party in Damariscotta
Witness galaxies, constellations, planets and much more at a Star Party jointly offered by Damariscotta River Association (DRA) and Central Maine Astronomical Society (CMAS). Between Jan. 16 and 18, (depending on sky conditions) the party will take place one evening at DRA’s Great Salt Bay Farm, 110 Belvedere Road in Damariscotta.
Participants are strongly encouraged to register for the program by calling DRA at 207-563-1393 and also by signing up for the CMAS newsletter ( so they will receive notification of the date change as it occurs. Extreme wind, cold and sky clarity will impact the date of the event. The program starts at 7 p.m. and goes to about 11 p.m. The event is free of charge.
Star Party participants will learn about galaxies, stars, star constellation identification and telescope use. Telescopes will be provided and participants are encouraged to bring binoculars to assist viewing. Over the years at star parties stargazers have seen many celestial objects including the moon, planets, deep-sky objects such as the Orion Nebula and other fascinating star systems such as the open star cluster Pleiades. The program is open to all levels and ages.
Program participants should come dressed very warmly (as if they were going ice fishing) as night sky observation in the winter is a cold endeavor. The DRA Heritage Center will be open for participants to warm themselves and tea and coffee will be available. Participants are encouraged to bring lawn chairs. It is courteous to turn off headlights upon entry to the DRA parking lot, and proceed slowly with caution and only parking lights on, so as not to blind the people already engaged in star watching.
CMAS hosts star parties at observatories in Whitefield, Lincolnville and Damariscotta throughout the year. CMAS also provides presentations at schools, clubs and civic organizations; technical and legislative aid in preserving dark skies; assistance to beginners; and fellowship for experts.
For more information call 207-563-1393, email, or view their website at
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