Invasive Forest Insect workshop in Waldoboro March 18
Knox-Lincoln Soil Water Conservation District, Merryspring Nature Center, and Knox-Lincoln Cooperative Extension are sponsoring a free workshop and training on Invasive Forest Insect Outreach on March 18 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Knox-Lincoln Cooperative Extension office at 377 Manktown Road, Waldoboro.
This workshop, presented by the Forest Pest Outreach Project of the Maine Forest Service, is designed to train participants to recognize, report, and spread awareness about the threats posed by Asian longhorned beetle (ALB); emerald ash borer (EAB) (now just 35 miles from the Maine/New Hampshireborder); hemlock wooly adelgid (HWA), which has been identified at many sites in the Midcoast; and other invasive tree pests.
Training topics will include the potential impact of ALB, EAB and HWA in the state of Maine, current management activities, pest and infestation identification, pest life cycles, infestation reporting, host tree identification and Community Response Planning.
Participants will also learn how to effectively disseminate information to the public to help spread awareness. All information, materials and guidance will be provided by Forest Pest Outreach Project coordinators Loraine Taft, Karen Coluzzi and Allison Kanoti. Board of Pesticide Control and Society of American Foresters are each offering three continuing education credits to participants.
Anyone interested in learning how to recognize invasive tree pests and who is interested in protecting our natural resources should consider attending this training: naturalists, outdoor enthusiasts, wood products industry workers, loggers and foresters, tree wardens, conservation commissions, landscape and nursery professionals, etc. Light refreshments will be provided.
For more information or to register for this free workshop, contact Hildy at 207-596-2040 or
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