Special town meeting eyed for missed adult ed item
Wiscasset voters will need to approve a $10,000 item that was left off the warrant for a May 27 town meeting on the school budget, according to officials.
“I didn’t get it on there,” Interim Superintendent of Schools Lyford Beverage said May 28, one day after voters agreed to $8.4 million in proposed spending. That total includes the $10,000 for adult education, the item that was left off the May 27 meeting warrant, Beverage said.
So approving the item will not require more funds to be raised for the school budget, he said. However, each piece of the budget needs individual approval, as well, which didn’t happen with adult education.
According to Town Clerk Christine Wolfe’s memo to selectmen on May 28, the board was being asked to sign a warrant that will call a special town meeting for Tuesday, June 16.
“This article will give the School Board the authorization to expend funds for adult education,” the memo states. “The amount for this line is already included in the school budget amount of $8,460,578.59 which was approved by voters on Wednesday, May 27, and (that) will go to referendum on June 9, 2015.”
The school department will pay Regional School Unit 1 the $10,000 to provide adult education, Beverage said. The arrangement with the Bath-based school district began in the 2014-2015 budget year.
The warrant-signing was on selectmen’s agenda for Tuesday, June 2. The meeting at the municipal building starts at 7 p.m.
Plans called for the special town meeting on June 16 to be held just prior to that night’s selectmen’s meeting, Wolfe said in a telephone interview May 28.The only cost would be for a moderator; the normal cost for that is $200, Wolfe said.
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