Wiscasset says yes again to Montsweag Brook Dam
The town of Wiscasset has 2,850 registered voters and 2,076 of those voters cast their votes Tuesday, Nov. 6, in what could be the highest voter turnout in the history of Wiscasset, and they approved all the questions on the town warrant.
Wiscasset voters said yes for the second time to accept from Central Maine Power Company’s Montsweag Brook Dam with the surrounding property of 22 acres, along with $100,000 for the stewardship of the property. The voters also approved the subdivision amendments and the site plan ordinance.
There were 1,250 votes in favor and 725 opposed. Although the voters approved accepting the Montsweag Dam property in the June 12 election, four members of the board of selectmen decided to ask the voters again giving them additional information.
The four were concerned $100,000 would be insufficient to take care of the property, thus creating a financial liability to the town. Another issue was there being no access to the property from Woolwich side of the dam.
Selectman Judy Colby said she was opposed to bringing the matter back to the voters. She said the voters knew before the June vote that there was no access from Woolwich and that they would receive $100,000 for maintenance of the property.
Subdivision review ordinance
The voters approved the adoption of the Subdivision Review ordinance in a vote of 1,012 in favor and 819 opposed.
According to town planner misty parker, the subdivision review ordinance has been amended to comply with the state statue; it includes more information for the applicant and for the planning board. It also offered more flexibility with the provision for waivers.
The amended ordinance also provides for open space subdivision (a recommendation of the town’s comprehensive plan, which requires these subdivisions in the yet-to-be-approved in Rural 1 and Rural 2 Districts.)
Site plan review ordinance
The site plan review ordinance was approved for adoption with a vote of 1,021 in favor and 725 opposed. The ordinance will cover commercial structures and uses, changes in use and multi-family residential as well.
Although not required by law, most towns adopt a site plan review ordinance to avoid negative impacts on the neighborhoods or the town. The process for planning board approval has been changed to reduce the number of meetings required by an applicant and to some approvals to be handled by the planning office, according to Parker.
Copies of the ordinances are available at the office of the town clerk.
RSU proposed cost sharing formula
Wiscasset voters approved Sheepscot Valley Regional School Unit proposed cost sharing formula with a vote of 1,349 in favor and 533 opposed. If the formula is accepted by a majority vote of the eight towns within the RSU 12, it would become effective the 2013-2014 school year.
RSU 12 comprises schools in Alna, Westport Island, Wiscasset, Palermo, Somerville, Windsor, Chelsea and Whitefield.
The new cost sharing formula appears to benefit Wiscasset and Westport Island, lowering the towns’ assessment to the district.
Charlotte Boynton can be reached at 884-4532 or cboynton@wiscassetnewspaper.com.
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