Don’t miss the cross-country ski equipment lease at HVNC
In order to help get kids and families outside having fun, Hidden Valley Nature Center (HVNC) in Jefferson partners with the Maine Winter Sports Center to lease affordable, quality cross-country ski equipment to local kids ages kindergarten through eighth grade. Families can lease high quality skis, boots, and poles through HVNC for the entire winter. Each child will get sized for the gear and then take it home for the season. That way, kids and families can ski on great equipment wherever, whenever they want.
Families will have two opportunities to get outfitted with their equipment. The first, on Wednesday, Nov. 11, at the YMCA in Damariscotta from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Then again on Saturday, Nov. 14, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at HVNC in Jefferson. The child who will use the skis must be present. Any questions about the ski lease program can be directed to Andy,, or details are online at
In past years, participants were sized for equipment and parents made arrangements to pick up the equipment several weeks later. This year, we’re excited to announce that participants will be sized and given their equipment on the same day. This means we can ensure proper fit for the boots, and kids will have their skis in case of an early season snow.
The ski lease package is $65 per participant. Some scholarships are available. To inquire about the scholarships please write to
Also, HVNC will also offer the annual kids ski clinic for kids ages 5-12. The clinic will start in early January and run each Saturday morning for about six weeks. Details are forthcoming. The clinic is the perfect setting for skiers of different levels to gain confidence and enjoy HVNC’s trails. Instructors use fun, non-competitive methods to get the skiers out on the trails having fun each week. For more information see the link above.
HVNC is a non-profit education and recreation center in Jefferson. HVNC is open to the public three hundred and sixty-five days a year, dawn to dusk. Come explore thirty miles of trails as they twist and wind across 1,000 acres of diverse habitat. More information available online at,, or call 207-200-8840.
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