Clinton and Sanders garner spirited support at county Democrats’ meeting
Lincoln County Democrats gave a slight edge to Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton in a straw poll at the Democrats’ Feb. 15 meeting in Newcastle. Roughly 25 percent were undecided.
Guest speakers Daphne Stern of Bristol spoke on behalf of the Clinton campaign and Troy Jackson of Allagash spoke on behalf of Sanders. In both cases, their reasons for supporting their candidate ran deep.
Stern told of learning of the good side of America from her mother, who came to the U.S. to escape the Nazi regime, and was enamored of America, American values, and the American government that afforded safety opportunity and prosperity. Stern met Hillary Clinton in the 1990s when she was heavily involved in Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign on the state and national levels.
“What I came away with was a great sense of confidence in Hillary,” said Stern. “She is so strong, so formidable, and I trusted her then, as I do now. She did an incredible time as First Lady, then as Senator -- New Yorkers love her -- and as Secretary of State. She has more depth than anyone I’ve met, she carries the banner of our finest Democrats, and she epitomizes what being a Democrat is all about.”
Jackson told of learning of our country’s dark side when, as a young boy, he attended a rally with his father and other loggers striking for better wages and safer working conditions and heard them told that if they didn’t go back to work for what they were being paid, they would be fired and replaced with Canadian workers. He sees in Sanders a voice for everyday working people.
Jackson acknowledged that Clinton has achieved many great things, but he is inspired by Sanders. “Sanders is saying that we working people matter, and that we should have a voice. He is saying that Wall Street shouldn’t always get its way, and that we need to have the ability to improve our lives.” Citing Sanders’ stand for a single-payer health care system, Jackson added, I’m tired of having people tell us it’s wrong to ask for what we should have.”
A lively discussion followed with many opinions expressed, but it was just about unanimous that whole hearted support would be given to whichever candidate win’s the Democratic nomination.
Jim Torbert of Whitefield, chair of the Lincoln County Democratic Committee, reminded folks of the upcoming Democratic Caucuses on Sunday, March 6. Alna, Edgecomb, Somerville, Westport, Whitefield, and Wiscasset will caucus at Wiscasset Elementary School at 1 p.m. Boothbay, Boothbay Harbor, Bremen, Bristol, Damariscotta, Newcastle, Nobleboro, South Bristol, and Southport will caucus at Great Salt Bay School at 2:30 p.m. Dresden will caucus at Pownalborough Courthouse at 2:30 p.m. Jefferson and Waldoboro will caucus at Miller School at 4 p.m. and Monhegan at L. Brackett & Son at 4 p.m.
Any Democrats unable to attend can get absentee ballots online at Absentee ballots must be received at Maine Democratic Party Headquarters in Augusta by March 2.
The next meeting of Lincoln County Democrats will be on March 21 at the Newcastle Community Room in the Firehouse on River Road. Guest speakers and topic will be announced.
For more information about the Lincoln County Democratic Committee visit its website,, or Facebook page,
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