Vote yes on PAYT
Dear Editor:
Woolwich Town Meeting is coming up fast. On May 7 at 9 a.m. the citizens of Woolwich will be asked to vote on restarting the successful PAYT program. On May 7, the choice will be simple.
Do you want to cut garbage by 50 percent, lower taxes by $80,000 and treat garbage as a utility (where you pay for what you use)? Then vote Yes, or, Do you want to keep the way we currently pay for our garbage collection? Then vote No.
To help with your decision here are some actual facts about the program, based on real data both from Woolwich and across the country:
- PAYT cut garbage by 50 percent in Woolwich.
- PAYT will save the tax payers of Woolwich $80,000 in fiscal year 2016.
- PAYT improved recycling and was good for the environment.
- There was no increase in roadside garbage over pre-PAYT levels.
- When the program was canceled, garbage rates returned quickly to the pre-PAYT levels (see graph).
- 160 towns in Maine use a PAYT program and many have mandatory recycling laws.
- With PAYT, you have a choice. Currently, you have no choice; the money for garbage is hidden in your taxes.
- PAYT eliminates out of town residents from disposing of garbage in Woolwich.
- The Maine Tea Party and the Natural Resources Council of Maine support PAYT.
Change can be hard. Woolwich has spent years trying to reduce our garbage. We have provided mailers and education. We made recycling easier with zero sort and curbside pick up. We explored building a transfer station and joining another town to dispose of garbage. All these things did not and will not lower our garbage numbers or save money. The only program that was able to save money, lower taxes and decrease our garbage was PAYT. This program worked and it is time to bring it back. Would you pay for your neighbors electric bill?
Ben Tipton
Solid Waste and Recycling Committee
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