Three contested local primaries
At the primary election on June 14, three races for Maine State House are contested in Lincoln County.
In House District 91, which includes Friendship, part of Union, Waldoboro and Washington, Abden Simmons, Waldoboro selectman and fisherman as well as local businessman, is running against Melvin Williams, retired dairy farmer and Farm Bureau official, for the Republican race in November. The winner of the primary will face Emily Trask-Eaton, Democrat. Trask-Eaton is a Waldoboro family physician, running unopposed for the Democratic primary. The incumbent, Independent Jeffrey Evangelos of Friendship, first elected in 2012, is not running for reelection in 2016, instead choosing to campaign for Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders.
In House District 90, which includes the towns of Bremen, Bristol, Damariscotta, Newcastle, part of Nobleboro, part of South Bristol, and Monhegan Plantation, plus the unorganized territory of Louds Island, Roberta (Robin) Mayer, selectman of Damariscotta and small business owner, is competing with Anna Morkeski, local businesswoman, who has run for the same office once before and lost in 2014. Both are running for the Republican primary. The winner will face incumbent Democrat Michael Devin of Newcastle, a marine biologist.
And in House District 53, which includes Dresden and Woolwich, as well as several other towns in Sagadahoc County, two Democrats are facing off in the primary. Alison Hepler of Woolwich, a history professor at University of Maine at Farmington as well as a Woolwich selectman, is competing with Will Neilson of Arrowsic, owner of Bath’s Solo Bistro. Neilson ran unsuccessfully for State Senate in a special election in 2013, when Seth Goodall stepped down from his Senate seat to accept the position of New England regional director of the U.S. Small Business Association. The winner of the primary race will face Republican incumbent Jeffrey Pierce of Dresden, who is a building contractor and has served on the Dresden Planning Board.
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